poniedziałek, 31 października 2016

News story - Goldilocks as girl on drugs.

As we do more and more fun stuff during our classes I decided to post some of my works on the blog. Here comes the news story based on the fairytale about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Hope you'll enjoy this little news twist!

Girl on drugs broke into a house

                Young girl from Berlin, Germany, broke into the house of her neighbors few nights ago. On 20th of October during Bruners’ absence she broke the doors to get into the house. The family lives near local forest so the girl managed to escape unnoticed by their neighbors quickly hiding in the woods when the family came back.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania goldilocks on drugs                After the investigation the police assumed that nothing was stolen from the Bruners’ house, but multiple things are destroyed. “She broke most of the plates and cups. Managed to destroy a very old, antique chair which was worth around $1820.” Said the police officer investigating the matter. “The girl also broke one bed, shower, sink, four windows and the main doors. The whole loss is estimated to be around $25000.”
Probably the girl was after high dose of psychedelic drugs as when she saw Bruners’ coming to the bedroom she grabbed a mop and tried to hit the Bart Bruner. “I did not know what was going on. She jumped out of the bed screaming something about bears, wild forest creatures and that she doesn’t want to die.” Said Bart Bruner during one of the police interviews.
                The girl moved into small flat nearby Bruners’ together with her boyfriend. They have been living on the Victoria StraBe for two weeks and since then the police had been at their place for over ten times as the neighbors were complaining about the noise and rude behavior. A week ago before breaking into Bruners’ house local police found five grams of cocaine, two grams of weed and eleven pills of MDMA at the place where the girl, introducing herself as Goldilocks, lives.

                Thanks to the CTV cameras and support of the local neighbors the police managed to catch Goldilocks and now they are still looking for her boyfriend who managed to escape. Local hospital did test if she was on drugs during the misfortunate event. That night she in her blood was high dose of LSD, heroin and probably also other psychedelics, but the sample of her blood is still being tested. The girl is in the arrest waiting for a trial. 

sobota, 22 października 2016

"The Model" - analysis of the movie poster

We live in an age when popular culture surrounds us, it is right beside on every step we take. Being a big part of our everyday life we rarely do try to get to know it. We don't realise how metaphoric, beautiful and descriptive it can be. In this post I will analyse ways in which the photograph on the poster of lately released movie "The Model" suggest a narrative and I will discuss the produced meaning.
"The Model" is a drama movie directed by Mads Matthiesen. It tells a story about a young, Danish girl, Emma (Maria Palm), who recently emerged her modelling career and was struggling to enter the Parisian fashion scene. Together with the main character we discover dark streets of Paris, dangerous aspects of work as a model and we try to distinguish who is her friend and who is just using her. The movie shows what the modelling industry does to young, inexperienced girls, how it manipulates and changes people, but as well how beautiful and engrossing it is once you enter this unfamiliar, strange world.
The poster concentrates on Emma's face, main character in the film. It is kept in soft, dark colours, which seem to consume her. It can be easily assumed, only considering colours, that it won’t be a nice and easy romantic comedy, but a movie that demands its viewers to think, get into someone’s head and try to feel as the main character does. 
The title of the movie, placed on her chin, looks as if written with a lipstick. It referes to the plot which concentrates on the industry tightly connected to look, beauty and fashion, just as the lipstic does being part of everyday makeup.
 She looks straight in the viewers eyes, as if she could see us. It can be easily noticed that only half of her face is covered with really harsh, dramatic makeup, while on the other half you can barely see the eyeliner on her lid. It may suggest that the girl is confused when it comes to her identity, life choices and she still doesn’t know who she really is. On the other hand it is also an inference that she went through things that changed her, made her pretend to be someone who she is not. It certainly represents what the main character goes through – she is puzzled, lost, confused but yet excited and happy to be a part of a totally different, magical world.
While looking only at the part without hardly any makeup, Emma seems to be scared and tired. She looks as if she needed help, which in the movie she does need, but she had no one by her side to ask for it. The part of her face covered with makeup looks dangerous. Yellow eyeshadow on her lid, referring to the colours meaning, suggest that she is emotionally unstable, mentally analytical and self-critical, yet satisfied with her life choices, which doesn’t mean we can consider them as good ones.
What catches audience’s attention is a beautiful face of a girl which comes out of darkness. At first glance all you notice are her big, green eyes, symmetrical face, full lips. But the closer you come the more you see. Fear, disappointment as well as excitement in  her eyes, half open lips, as if she wanted to say something but never did. And the shadows, consuming her, dragging her along to a distant, unknown place – probably referring to her mental condition and feelings.
This marvellous portrait picture holds secrets of the main character in the movie “The Model”. It shows how what you see is not what it is. Creating illusion of a graceful, happy girl, but when you come closer you can easily notice how broken, scared and confused the girl from the picture is. The longer the audience look at the photograph the more can be seen.

niedziela, 2 października 2016

Studia w Anglii #2

        Nie spodziewałam się, że to kiedykolwiek napiszę, ale... nie żałuję mojego wyboru. Miesiąc temu oddałabym wszystko, aby zamiast tu - w białym, małym, akademikowym pokoju - być na kontrakcie. Teraz musiałaby mnie wyprowadzić policja w kaftanie bezpieczeństwa, bo dobrowolnie nie oddałabym ani jednego dnia spędzonego w tym cudownym miejscu. Kocham każdą białą ścianę, brudną wykładzinę, makaron na kuchennej podłodze, alarm przeciwpożarowy włączający się co najmniej dwa razy w tygodniu, zdechłe osy zaplątane w pajęczynę i stare piwo imbirowe, którego nikt nie dotknął już od dwóch tygodni... będę musiała posprzątać bajzel w naszej kuchni po ostatnim wieczorze.
          Nie rozmawiamy dużo, są dni, że nie mówimy do siebie wcale, ale nie zamieniłabym moich współlokatorów na kogokolwiek innego. Uwielbiam ich. Każdy z nas jest inny, wyjątkowy. Razem jesteśmy zlepkiem barwnych osobowości - od takiej wariatki jak ja, która podczas pms'a potrafi rzucać talerzami i będąc wegetarianką zjadłaby nawet konia, po zielonowłosą artystkę, przyszłą ilustratorkę, która cały czas jest spokojna (bo pali trawę codziennie), robi największy burdel w naszej kuchni, je śmierdzący makaron i co tydzień ma nowy tatuaż lub kolczyk.
         Nie oddałabym za nic w świecie naszych "rodzinnych" spotkań co wieczór, śpiewania piosenek i nawet mi nie przeszkadza, że zjedli moje wszystkie pierogi. Denerwują mnie - codziennie i coraz mocniej - wszystkim i zawsze. Sikaniem na deskę klozetową, rozrzucaniem jedzenia w kuchni, śpiewaniem karaoke o czwartej rano, kiedy ja na drugi dzień mam iść do pracy, zjadaniem moich pianek i dzwonieniem domofonem o piątej rano. Rodziny się nie wybiera, a sama nie jestem idealna.
          Nie zmieniłabym uniwersytetu za żadne skarby tego świata, prawdopodobnie nie potrafiłabym się znaleźć nigdzie indziej. Brakowałoby mi cudownych instalacji artystycznych, wytatuowanych nauczycieli, którzy tak bardzo ekscytują się przekazywaniem nam wiedzy, muzyki na holu uniwersyteckim, sztucznej trawy na quadzie i wolności wyrazu. Po raz pierwszy wiem, że nie muszę się wpasować w tłum - bo nie ma tu jakiegokolwiek tłumu, aby móc się wpasować. Każdy jest inny, przez co nasza uczelnia jest tak pełna kolorów i życia.
          Tylko jedno mnie okropnie trapi - podczas świąt porzucę moją uca'ową rodzinę na ponad trzy tygodnie... Mam nadzieję, że podczas mojej nieobecności nie spalą nam akademika...